Cash-Out Refinance

Industry standard for getting equity from your home

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Cash-Out Refinance

Project Info

Google page rank

Consumer Funnels created “” as the industry standard for the process of taking cash out with a Refinance. Consumer Funnels understand the process of ranking a website on Google and will organically rank Cash-Out Refinance to the First Page of Google in a short period of time.

where they were before comsumer funnels

The Client came to Consumer Funnels with an Idea, and from their idea we created Cash-Out Refinance.

their client demographic, where do they get clients from

The term “Cash-Out Refinance” is the industry standard for home owners that complete a Refinance while taking cash-out from the equity in their home. As a result, when the term “Cash-Out Refinance” is searched, the results are greater than 70,000,000.   In 2021 the number of Homeowners topped 83,000,000, so it is safe to say every homeowner, mortgage broker, loan officer to banks and real estate companies and more, all belong to the demographic interested in “Cash-Out Refinance”.